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Seoul where the body assembly 3NC-35-16Ⅱ
      Promulgator :admin      Time:2016-06-05
O-ring 144x10
O-ring 146x8.5
O-ring 146x10
O-ring 150x10
O-ring 160x6
O-ring 200x4.6
O-ring 54x5
O-ring 236x7
O-ring 36.5x3.55
O-ring 45x3.55
O-ring 280x7
O-ring 475x7
O-ring 212x7
O-ring 265x7
O-ring 315x7
O-ring 95x5.3
O-ring 65x5.3
O-ring 82.5x5.3
O-ring 60x5.3
O-ring 19x2.4
Overall piston SNC-H300 Φ100 1:24
Overall piston SNC-H300 Φ115
Cylinder gasket SNC-H300 Φ142x162x10 TB1-
Pump valve rubber SNC-H300 Φ73x112x13.5 TB2
Activities elbow seal SNC-H300 Φ70.5x86x5 TB2-2
Needle-shaped line packing SNC-H300 Φ30x50x8 TB28-25
Miniature self-proclaimed core WXZFXZ
Tubing threaded gland 76.2 (flat)
Semi-circular packing SNC-300 Φ66x50x12
Seoul where rubber SNC-300 Φ105x30x20
Cylinder head gasket SNC-300 Φ136x64x16
SNC-400 cylinder head gasket
High pressure straight SNC-H300 50.8
Flat pad Φ55x25x10
Spiral Packing Φ55x42x28
Spiral Packing Φ55x42x25
Spiral Packing Φ55x42x22
Seoul where the body assembly 3NC-35-16Ⅱ
Seoul where rubber SNC35-16Ⅱ
Lubricant dispensing valve SNC35-16Ⅱ
Tubing threaded gland 63.5 (flat)
Tubing threaded gland 63.5 (thick)
V-packing SNC35-ⅡB Φ5 "
V-type cloth packing SNC35-ⅡB Φ5 "
A driven gear SNC-400
V-ring φ112X95X11.5
Plunger seal AC-400B Φ100x120x10 TB7-6
Seoul where rubber AC-400B Φ74x114x20 TB7-4
Overall piston AC-400B Φ100
Seoul where rubber Х108x30x20
The valve rubber 400
Seoul where the gland seals AC-100
Where the rubber is thicker 400 Φ108x30x20
Elbow Seal US one thousand Φ84.5x71x5
Elbow Seal US one thousand 3 "Φ113.5x99.5x5
Elbow pressure "O" type packing US one thousand 2 "Φ74x3.5
Elbow pressure "O" type packing US one thousand 3 "Φ103x5.3
Top cylinder is "O" type packing US one thousand 3 "Φ135
Top cylinder is flat ring US one thousand 3 "Φ130
Low pressure line "O" rings one thousand US Φ125x4
Sensor type "O" packing US $ 13 "75
High-pressure pipeline mat US $ 52. "
High-pressure pipeline mat US $ 13. "
Elbow pressure mat US $ 52. "
Elbow pressure mat US $ 13. "
Plunger mat US one thousand 122x95
Cylinder head gasket YLC-500 Φ152.8x165.8x6.5
Plunger seal YLC-500 Φ100x125x12 TB8-1
Activities elbow packing YLC-500 Φ54x76x14 TB28-28
Needle valve stem seals YLC-500 Φ30x50x8 TB28-25
Plunger packing YLC-500 Φ90x115x12 TB10-4
Plunger packing YLC-500 Φ100x125x10 TB9-1
Plunger seal YLC-500 Φ115x135x12
Wellhead valve rubber DBJ-0001
Rubber suction Φ88x62x150
Ring (import rubber) Φ80x74.5x5.5
Ring (import rubber) Φ75x71.5x3.5
Aluminum pad φ240xφ230x1
Kava packer cones 244.48 29.3-40 # Φ214 70 °
Kava packer cones 244.48 43.5-53.5Φ206 90 °
Kava packer cones 177.8 17-23 # Φ153 90 ° 12
Kava packer cones 177.8 17-23 # Φ153 70 ° 12
Kava packer cones 177.8 24-30 # Φ149 90 ° 12
Kava packer cones 177.8 24-30 # Φ149 70 ° 12
Kava packer cones 177.8 32-38 # Φ143 90 ° 12
Kava packer cones 177.8 32-38 # Φ143 70 ° 12
Kava packer cones 139.70 13-17 # Φ118 90 ° 1
Kava packer cones 139.70 13-17 # Φ118 70 ° 1
Kava packer cones 139.70 20-30 # Φ112 90 ° 1
Kava packer cones 139.70 20-30 # Φ112 70 ° 1
Bridge plug cones 139.70 13-17 # Φ110 70 ° 3
Bridge plug cones 139.70 20-23 # Φ112 90 ° 3
Bridge plug cones 139.70 20-23 # Φ112 70 ° 3
Kava packer rubber tube 127 11.5-18 # Φ105 90 ° 44
Kava packer rubber tube 127 11.5-18 # Φ105 70 ° 44
Kava packer rubber tube 127 17.7-21 # Φ100 90 ° 44
Kava packer rubber tube 127 17.7-21 # Φ100 70 ° 44
Injection cones 114x74x500
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